Unreformed Entitlements Pose Our Greatest Security Threat
The National Security Agency is not going to uncover America’s next great threat to national security by rifling through all our emails and phone calls. Individual account level access in near real...
View ArticleHow the United States can Instantly Improve Relations with Iran
As Americans leave work this July 3rd to prepare for our Independence Day celebrations, many Iranian families will at the same time be preparing a far more somber occasion of their own: the 25th...
View ArticleSaving Afghanistan’s Economy: The 1818 Model
Panic would be an understatement. Land values and home prices were down 50%, key financial prices hit 25% in a single day, and banks began to foreclose on heavily mortgaged properties. The financial...
View ArticleIran Talks: Breaking the Mosaic of Mistrust
On January 20, 2009, a freshly inaugurated President Barack Obama took to the stage to deliver a speech with one very critical hidden signal – one he hoped might publicly begin to thaw U.S. relations...
View ArticleLimited Rights: A Nuclear Iran is Key to Any Long-Term Deal
In the summer of 1953, James Lockridge slipped across the Iranian border with a tennis racket, a fake passport, and lots of cash. The tennis racket was part of his cover: Once in Iran, he played for...
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